We will be using Ustream as the live streaming platform. We are including a live stream test link from an aquarium below. This is to help you troubleshoot any issues pr
Here is an example channel from an aquarium you can test your video feed and ability to view:
For general troubleshooting assistance, please visit the following page:
Here are several other common troubleshooting help tips that are not listed on the troubleshooting link above:
1) issue: hearing “echo”, or the sound twice. This is typically because two browsers with the live stream are opened, so it is actually playing twice with a slight offset.
Solution: Close all browsers and re-open content by clicking on link once (to ensure it only opens once)
2) issue: black box (no video stream) – typical reason is trying to access through a network that does not allow streaming, or their browser isn’t updated or doesn’t allow flash
Solution – first try opening content in a different browser (meaning if trying through Firefox, then try through Chrome)
Try using a different network to access content
3)issue: audio is coming in “stuttered”
solution – try watching a lower bandwidth using the bandwidth selector at bottom right of player, their network might be slow
or, try on a different network)
4) issue: can see video, but no audio
solution: make sure both the volume in the player located at the bottom left of Ustream video box and the audio for their computer is turned on
Please email any questions to: