SB7.0 is Hosted By

  • BioBricks Foundation
  • SynBioBeta
  • SynCTI

Brought to You By

Our Premier Sponsor

  • intrexon

Bronze Sponsor

  • Singer Instruments
  • BGI
  • DuPont


  • Office of Naval Research
  • Open Philanthropy Project
  • US Department of Energy
  • Singapore Tourism Board

About SB7.0

Click here to watch SB7.0 videos

The goal of SB7.0 is to unite again the international synthetic biology communities to take a fresh look at the key topics and challenges that our field faces. Synthetic biology cannot advance without exploring and embracing the changes that it brings. As practitioners, scholars, and citizens we need to work together to explore the possibilities and plan strategically for collective growth of our science, its beneficial applications, and responsible practices.

Synthetic biology can be used to advance so many facets of the world today, from agriculture and biomanufacturing, to groundbreaking cancer treatments and medicines, to even fashion and information technology. As the science continues to evolve, the scientists, engineers, and designers themselves need to focus our efforts on creating local biological solutions to meet global needs. But what we can’t forget is to take a step back and look at the world as a whole. Not just how does any one latest advancements better human life, but what are the footprints we are leaving behind? How does what we develop ultimately affect the world, from insects and plants to animals and aquatic life? While the full potential of synthetic biology continues to develop, we as a community must join together to make sure we don’t lose focus on the global impacts of our collective capacities.  How can we best help not only humans but also the rest of the planet?

Singapore, a country that is rich in cultural diversity and strategic capacities, affords us the perfect venue in which to refocus on the diversity and goals of synthetic biology as a field. As a community, how can we make the education, science, and business opportunities more available to all people regardless of race, gender, or socio-economic background? It’s only with continuous diversification and expansion that the synthetic biology industry will be able to realize it’s full potential.  Please join us to learn about the latest and best work from all over the world, and to help develop the most important next steps for our still-emerging field.

On Saturday June 17, 2017, the Synthetic Yeast Genome Project (Sc2.0) will be held in Singapore and is the world’s first synthetic eukaryotic genome project that aims to create a novel, rationalized version of the genome of the yeast species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In a truly global collaborative effort, research teams across the world have embarked on the challenging but exciting task of building 16 designer synthetic chromosomes encompassing ~ 12 million base pairs of DNA. The Sc2.0 consortium will be participating in SB7.0. Register for the 6th Annual Synthetic Yeast Genome Project (Sc2.0) Meeting in Singapore.

DATE AND TIME: Tue, Jun 13, 2017, 8:00 AM – Fri, Jun 16, 2017, 6:00 PM

LOCATION: University Cultural Centre, 50 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore, 119279

SB7.0 Program Guide

Click here to read the program guide.


  • Agilent
  • Analytik Jena
  • BD Biosciences
  • BGI Biosolutions
  • Biobricks
  • Dupont
  • iGEM
  • Intrexon
  • Lucigen
  • Singer Instruments

Thermo FisherTwist bioscience

Program Content

World Visionary Lecture

Randal Kirk

Randal J. Kirk

Chairman and CEO - Intrexon Corp.

Featured Speakers

Akihiko Kondo

Akihiko Kondo

Cell Factory Research Team, Biomass Engineering Research Division, RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science
Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg

Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg

Designer - Studio Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg
Alexandre Zanghellini

Alexandre Zanghellini

Founder and CEO - Arzeda
Alina Chan

Alina Chan

Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral Fellow - Harvard Medical School
Anil Wipat

Anil Wipat

Professor of Integrative Bioinformatics, School of Computing Science, Newcastle University
Anne Meyer

Anne Meyer

Assistant Professor - TU Delft
Ariel Lindner

Ariel Lindner

Director of Research, INSERM and co-founder of the Center for Research and Interdisciplinary - CRI Paris
Asheena Khalakdina

Asheena Khalakdina

Technical Officer - World Health Organization
Bill Efcavitch

Bill Efcavitch

Co-Founder & Chief Scientific Officer - Molecular Assemblies Inc.
Byung-Kwan Cho

Byung-Kwan Cho

Associate professor, Department of Biological Sciences and Institute of the BioCentury, KAIST
Carmen Mañas Torres

Carmen Mañas Torres

PhD student - Spanish National Center for Biotechnology
Chantal Yue Shen

Chantal Yue Shen

Director of Genome Synthesis and Editing Platform of China National Genebank - Beijing Genomics Institute
Chen Yang

Chen Yang

Professor - Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, SIBS, CAS
Chenli Liu

Chenli Liu

Professor, Director - Center for Synthetic Biology Engineering Research, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Christina Smolke

Christina Smolke

Associate Professor of Bioengineering - Stanford University
Christopher Voigt

Christopher Voigt

Professor of Biological Engineering - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cíntia Coelho

Cíntia Coelho

Assistant Professor - Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa/University of Brasília
Claudia Vickers

Claudia Vickers

Director of SynBio FSP, Group Leader at The University of Queensland
Cornelia Scheitz

Cornelia Scheitz

Principal Research Scientist - Autodesk Life Sciences
Dannie Jost

Dannie Jost

Senior Research Fellow and the Science Advisor of the World Trade Institute at the University of Bern
David Evans

David Evans

Professor and Vice-Dean (Research) Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - University of Alberta
David Kong

David Kong

Director, Community Biotechnology Initiative, MIT Media Lab
Desmond Lee

Desmond Lee

Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Home Affairs and Second Minister for National Development
Drew Endy

Drew Endy

Associate Professor, Bioengineering - Stanford University
Elizabeth Cameron

Elizabeth Cameron

Senior Director for Global Biological Policy and Programs - NTI
Emily Leproust

Emily Leproust

Chief Executive Officer - Twist Bioscience
Emmanuel Iwuoha

Emmanuel Iwuoha

Professor of Chemistry, University of the Western Cape

Eng Chye Tan

Provost, National University of Singapore
Faisal Khan

Faisal Khan

Director, Institute of Integrative Bioscience, CECOS University,
Femi Olorunniji

Femi Olorunniji

Research Fellow - University of Glasgow
Frank Akpoviri

Frank Akpoviri

Doctoral Researcher - National University of Malaysia
Frank Rheindt

Frank Rheindt

Assistant Professor - National University of Singapore
George Guo-Qiang Chen

George Guo-Qiang Chen

Professor, School of Life Sciences - Tsinghua University
Gigi Kwik Gronvall

Gigi Kwik Gronvall

Senior Associate - Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
GuanYow Chen

GuanYow Chen

Head, i3 - EDB
Haifeng Ye

Haifeng Ye

Professor - East China Normal University
Harry Singer

Harry Singer

Managing Director - Singer Instruments
Heloise Muller

Heloise Muller

Researcher - Centre de recherche de l'Institut Curie
Hidetaka Nishimura

Hidetaka Nishimura

Director, Bio-industry division - Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Ille Gebeshuber

Ille Gebeshuber

Professor - Vienna University of Technology
In Young Hwang

In Young Hwang

Research Fellow - National University of Singapore
Ingmar Riedel-Kruse

Ingmar Riedel-Kruse

Assistant Professor of Bioengineering - Stanford University
Ionat Zurr

Ionat Zurr

Academic coordinator - SymbioticA
Jane Calvert

Jane Calvert

Reader in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies - University of Edinburgh
Jef Boeke

Jef Boeke

Founding Director of The Institute for Systems Genetics - NYU School of Medicine
Jesus Ciriza Larraona

Jesus Ciriza Larraona

Founder - The Colours of Nature
Ji-Sook Hahn

Ji-Sook Hahn

Professor, Seoul National University
Jim Haseloff

Jim Haseloff

Professor of Synthetic Biology - Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge
Jin-Soo Kim

Jin-Soo Kim

Director and Professor - Center for Genome Engineering, Institute for Basic Science
Joana Rodrigues

Joana Rodrigues

Post-doctoral Research Fellow - University of Minho, Centre of Biological Engineering
John Cumbers

John Cumbers

Founder - SynBioBeta
John Glass

John Glass

Professor and Leader - JCVI Synthetic Biology and Bioenergy Group
Junbiao Dai

Junbiao Dai

Associate professor, School of Life Sciences - Tsinghua University
Karmella Haynes

Karmella Haynes

Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Arizona State University
Kate Adamala

Kate Adamala

Assistant Professor - University of Minnesota
Kent Redford

Kent Redford

Principal - Archipelago Consulting
Kim Palacios

Kim Palacios

Ph.D. Student - International Laboratory for Human Genome Research
Kourosh Salehi-Ashtiani

Kourosh Salehi-Ashtiani

Professor - New York University Abu Dhabi
Leslie Mitchell

Leslie Mitchell

Postdoctoral Fellow - NYU Langone Medical Center
Linda Kahl

Linda Kahl

Senior Counsel and Director of Ownership and Innovation at BioBricks Foundation
Lionel Clarke

Lionel Clarke

Co-chair, UK Synthetic Biology Leadership Council

Lynn Rothschild

Astrobiologist/Synthetic biologist at NASA Ames and Adjunct Professor of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry at Brown University
Madeleine van Oppen

Madeleine van Oppen

Senior Principal Research Scientist - Australian Institute of Marine Science
Madhu Rao

Madhu Rao

Regional Advisor - Wildlife Conservation Society
Maria Mercedes Roca

Maria Mercedes Roca

Senior Fellow - Institute on Science for Global Policy
Marileen Dogterom

Marileen Dogterom

Professor of Bionanoscience - Delft University of Technology
Markus Gershater

Markus Gershater

Chief Scientific Officer - Synthace
Meagan Lizarazo

Meagan Lizarazo

Vice President - iGEM
Megan Palmer

Megan Palmer

Senior Research Scholar - Stanford University
Nicholas Martin

Nicholas Martin

Science Director - Naval Medical Research Center-Asia
Nicola Patron

Nicola Patron

Research Group Leader, Department of Engineering Biology - The Earlham Institute
Nili Ostrov

Nili Ostrov

Research Fellow in Genetics - Harvard Medical School
Noam Prywes

Noam Prywes

Post-doctoral Fellow - Weizmann Institute
Ocky Radjasa

Ocky Radjasa

Director of Research and Community Service - Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education
Oliver Morton

Oliver Morton

Briefings editor - The Economist
Omar Akbari

Omar Akbari

Assistant Professor of Entomology - University of California, Riverside.
Oron Catts

Oron Catts

Director of SymbioticA, the Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts - University of Western Australia
Osmat Jefferson

Osmat Jefferson

Biological Patenting, The Lens
Patrick Yizhi Cai

Patrick Yizhi Cai

Co-director - Edinburgh Genome Foundry
Paul Freemont

Paul Freemont

Professor - Imperial College London
Piers Millett

Piers Millett

Senior Research Fellow - Future of Humanity Institute
Poh Chueh Loo

Poh Chueh Loo

Associate Professor - National University of Singapore
Raivo Vilu

Raivo Vilu

Professor of Biotechnology - Tallinn University of Technology
Raymond Tzer-Pin Lin

Raymond Tzer-Pin Lin

Head and Senior Consultant in Microbiology - National University Hospital
Reshma Shetty

Reshma Shetty

Founder - Ginkgo Bioworks
Richard Kitney

Richard Kitney

Professor of BioMedical Systems Engineering - Imperial College London
Richard Johnson

Rick Johnson

CEO, Global Helix
Rob Carlson

Rob Carlson

Principal - Biodesic
Ryan Phelan

Ryan Phelan

Executive director, Cofounder - Revive & Restore
Sakkie Pretorius

Sakkie Pretorius

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) - Macquarie University
Sang Yup Lee

Sang Yup Lee

Distinguished Professor - KAIST
Sangram Bagh

Sangram Bagh

Associate Professor - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP)
Sarah Richardson

Sarah Richardson

Chief Scientific Officer - Microbyre
Sonja Luz

Sonja Luz

Director (Conservation & Research) - Wildlife Reserves Singapore
Susan Rosser

Susan Rosser

Professor of Synthetic Biology - University of Edinburgh

Teck Seng Low

CEO, National Research Foundation of Singapore
Terry Sunderland

Terry Sunderland

Principal Scientist - Center for International Forestry Research
Tobias Erb

Tobias Erb

Research Leader, Biochemistry and Synthetic Biology of Microbial Metabolism - Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology
Tom Knight

Tom Knight

Founder - Ginkgo Bioworks
Vincent Sewalt

Vincent Sewalt

Senior Director of Product Stewardship & Regulatory, DuPont Industrial Biosciences
Will Canine

Will Canine

Co-Founder and CPO - Opentrons
Xiao-Xia Xia

Xiao-Xia Xia

Professor, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Xun Xu

Xun Xu

Director of BGI-Research, Executive Director of China National Genebank
Yvonne Chen

Yvonne Chen

Assistant Professor - UCLA

Executive Committee

Nicola Patron

Nicola Patron

Research Group Leader, Department of Engineering Biology - The Earlham Institute
Matthew Chang

Matthew Chang

Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS.
Karmella Haynes

Karmella Haynes

Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Arizona State University
Drew Endy

Drew Endy

Associate Professor, Bioengineering - Stanford University
Chantal Yue Shen

Chantal Yue Shen

Director of Genome Synthesis and Editing Platform of China National Genebank - Beijing Genomics Institute
Adison Wong

Adison Wong

Lecturer - Singapore Institute of Technology

Session Examples

Day 1
13 Jun 2017
Day 2
14 Jun 2017
Day 3
15 Jun 2017
Day 4
16 Jun 2017